Life Update September '19 - May '20
Why, Hello There! It's been a hot minute since we've given an update on Cody and our lives after surgery/sepsis/chemo/radiation, and I certainly apologize for that. However, in the medical field, no news is GOOD news! Co and I have been enjoying the last several months getting back into our natural groove and remembering what it's like to not be in the thick of cancer treatment. It's taken quite some time, and he's not back to full strength yet, but he's getting stronger each day and getting back to the activities and pastimes he enjoys the most. The Medve family was extremely generous in hosting their annual Birthday Bash in Cody's honor this past fall. There was a fantastic turnout with so many great raffles and some delicious BBQ. It was incredibly humbling and heartwarming to see so many friends and family come together once again to support our favorite cancer fighter. Deer season came and went too quickly, as usual, and our holiday season was s...